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All schools are more or less exposed to small pox. To attempt escaping from exposure to the contagion would be like dodging flakes in a snowstorm. Continue your school until our agent visits you,
Yours Truly

[[upside down at bottom of page]]

Lorenza Warburg
R. G. Martin Plan.
Feby 6th 1865.
States that he has received an order to close his school, on account of exposure to small pox.
Wishes to Know what he shall do.


R.C. Martin Plantation
February 6th 1865
Lieut. E. M. Wheelock

I received an order from Capt. Greene Provost Marshal on Friday to close any school until further orders, there being small-pox in the neighborhood of any school. There is two of the colored people in the same house where I board who has it, so therefore I think it unsafe for me to remain there. I cannot commence school yet, for fear of spreading the contagion through the Parish, and, I would like to know, as soon as possible what I am to do.

Very Respectfully
Lorenza Warburg