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[[left margin]] P.S. there is not an unoccupied building at Boulé fit for a schoolhouse [[?]]

Board of Education for Freedmen
Department of the Gulf
New Orleans, March 3 1865
Lt Wheelock 
     When returning to N.O. the other day on the cars, it was found necessary to remain at Boulé [[?]] for upwards of 1/2 hour. The delay gave me an opportunity of making enquiries among the Freedmen there. They have no school at Boulé though the place is full of children. The colored men there are willing to subscribe to putting up a schoolhouse if the Board will send an agent [[crossed out]] to speed the collection &c. It is believed that a boarding place could be found for a teacher.
                                    Yours Respectfully,
                              [[crossed out]] D. Guest