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The [[?]] Plantation
Nov 18th [[??]] 
Cap. Pease
I wrote to you about a month since; not having received a reply, I [[?]] it did not reach. We are utterly neglected here,in every way - have never seen the Superintendent; nor the agent for some 3 or 4 weeks- he promised to report the total unfitness of either school house[[?]] or dwelling for winter use; both, without windows since then; we had a very cold spell[[?]]. First to the agent for this plantation to request permission to remove the school [[into]] the hospital, a mere shed; but has two chimneys. He called to tell me that was impossible; as the proprietor [[?]] Mr Manning has had his property restored & has daily expected [[?]] when his first act wd be to break up the school that the education of freedmen wd cease altogether; [[?]] carried on at their [[?]]