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Hd Qrs School Dist No. 3. 
Franklin Sept. 26th. 1865. 
Capt. H.R. Pease Gen'l. 
Super. Govt. School State of La. 
Sir - 
In persuance of instructions received at your Hd. Qrs., I left New Orleans on Monday Sept. 18th 1865 for Breashear City to which place I came on the evening of the same day. There being no boat going to Franklin I spent Tuesday the 19th in visiting the schools in operation East of the Bay - the only ones yet established in this section. I found the school at Breashear City - Conducted by Miss M.E. Golden as principal, and an assistant - in a prosperous condition, and was happy to find that the pupils had made, and, I think, are still making commendable proficiency. I made a thorough inspection of the house, and find it will need considerable repairs to make it comfortable for winter - I should judge the cost would be Thirty ($30) dollars. A stove will also be required - and fuel. This latter article I shall endeavor to obtain from the Patrons of the School. 
I also visited the School at Bayou Rammus - four miles East - Taught by Michael Buckner (Col'd) The house in which this school is kept is in a good state of repair - Mr. Buckner having recently expended Ten ($10) dollars on the building - the bill for which accompanies this report marked (A). The bad state of the roads prevent many from attending. There were only nineteen present though the number on his books is 35.  

[Note 1]$.03 Repairs[/Note]

[Note 2]Where is this bill $10[/Note]