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I am not in possession of funds to do any thing in repairing or fitting of school houses. If I can obtain labor or material with a promise to pay, and have them wait until their accounts are audited, I will do so. It will require two Boxes of glass 10x11, to repair the windows in the Baptist Church. The seats are also mutilated and broken up, and will need lumber to repair them. Every vacant house in the place is in a state of ruin, rendered so by mischievous boys - windows broken, and doors carried off. The same remark is applicable to Centerville and Pattersonville. To obtain a house anywhere will require funds to repair them and fit them for school purposes. I will send you an estimate in a few days, as soon as I can visit Centerville and Pattersonville of what it will cost to fit houses in those places. The estimate I have made of the other places will be current. 

There is another subject which is a source of trouble to us here.  Some persons recently from New Orleans have reported that the people will be taxed for the support of these schools - that a petition is in circulation in New Orleans to be relieved from this tax. This causes som uneasiness. I would call your attention to Par. VII of Circular No.1 issued from your Hd.Qrs. whether than contemplates any such thing! Send me Circular No.3 if it be prepared, also blanks for leeses and contracts.
Respectfully submitted,
H.M. Roberts 2 H.S
Super.Govt.Schools Dis. No. 5.

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