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La Fourche Parish
Schools Established
[[6 columned table]]
|Designation. | No. of Pupils. | Teachers. | Locality. | School Building. | Status of Sch. Building. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |---| --- |
|No. 2 | 52 | Mrs. A.E. Parks. | Thibedeaux | [[crossed out]] Two Story [[/crossed out]] Par. Schoolhouse | Seized by the Pro. Mar. |
| No. 3 | 83 | Miss C. Schroeder | Thibedeaux | Dwelling House. | Seized by the Pro. Mar. |
| No. 3 | 83 | Miss M.J. McMaster | Thibedeaux | [[Blank]] | Seized by the Pro. Mar. |
| No. 6 | 60 | Suspended by [[illegible]] | Bragg Plant.n H.C. | Plant.n. Storehouse. | Confiscated. |
| No. 6. | 55 | Sickness of Mrs. Walker and Buxton. |    |   |   |
| No. 7. | 60 | Mrs. E.H. Cox | Gillis Place | Dwelling House. | Confiscated |
| No. 8. | 60 | Mr. [[illegible]] Morton | Tucker Plant n | Plant.n. Warehouse. | Seized by the |
| No. 8. | 55 | Mrs. E. Morton |   |   | Provost Marshal. |
| No. 10. | 126 | Miss. C. Merkle | La Fourche Crossing | Dwelling House | [[illegible]] |
| No. 11. | 70 | Mrs. N.P. Fiske | La Fourche Crossing | Two Story Dwel'g House | Actual Lease. |
| No. 12 | 116 | Suspended | Vick Plantn. | Serv'ts Quarters House. | Nominal Lease.|
| No. 13 | 44 | Mrs. N.R. Williams | Orange Grove Plantn. | Serv'ts Meeting House | Confiscated. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- |---| --- |
|   | 864 |   |   |   |   |
Schools yet required.
[[6 columned table]]
|   | No. of Pupils. | No. and Grade of Teachers. | Locality. | Prospective Sch. Build'gs. | Status of site. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|   | 50 |See Remarks.| Pugh Plantn. | See Remarks. | See Remarks. |
|   | 60 |    | Bishop Polk Plantn. |    |    |
|   | 50 |    | Thibedeaux. |    |     |
|   | 60 |    | Theriot He. Coly |    |    |
|   | 50 |    | Scuddy Plantn. |    |    |
|   | 50 |    | Raceland Plantn. |    |    |
|   | --- |    |    |   |    |
|   | 320|   |    |    |    |
|   | --- |    |    |   |    |
|   | 1184|   |    |    |    |