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June 22, 1951

Dear Miss Tapissier:

Herein you will find the list of photographs which I am anxious to obtain from the two exhibitions I mentioned to you, the one in Dijon, called "Le Grand Siecle des Ducs de Bourgogne" and the one in Milan on the Caravaggios.

I believe you will find these two lists self-explanatory.

You will notice at the end of the list of Dijon the indication of the wooden retable I already mentioned to you when I had the privilege of seeing you in Paris a few days ago.

May I assume that in the next few days I will receive a letter from you with an extimate of the cost as, as I explained to you I will be leaving New York by July 1st and will not return before September 1st, which means that any additional funds you may need would take quite a while to be forwarded to you, hence my desire of supplying you with all that you might foresee to undertake these researches and purchases. 

Thanking you anew and wishing to tell you again how much I enjoyed having had the pleasure of meeting you,

Yours very sincerely, 

(Germain Seligman)

Mademoiselle Tapissier
4 rue Ribera 
Paris 16e 