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Myron TAYLOR Esq., 
Hotel Ritz
Place Vendôme

April 30 1926. 

10.431  5 arm-chairs in twisted wood. French work of the early 17th Century, of the Louis XIII period. They are covered with a red moquette of a very warm coloring ....................... $ 1,700

10.198  An Altar front in white alabaster, polychromed and partially gilt. Spanish work of the 15th Century. It has the shape of a triptych with 3 gothic arcades decorated with rosaces and bell-turrets, and shows a low-relief with eight monks out of which some carry arms. The background is in blue glass with gilded decorations (some restorations). 

Height 29 inches
Length 42 inches

This alabaster front represents white Cisterian monks and comes from the cloister of POELET near Barcelona. Poblet is one of the wealthiest cloisters in Spain, and the Chapels of which, where a number of aragonian kings were buried, were decorated with altars and tombs in white alabaster with blue and gilt decorations......... $ 4,000


(five thousand seven hundred dollars)