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Copie pour New York


Paris, May the first, 1926. 

Myron C. TAYLOR, Esq., 
Hotel Ritz,
Place Vendôme, 

My dear Mr. Taylor, 

I arrived an hour ago from New-York and just hear of the purchases you made at our shop, rue de la Paix. 

I am sorry not to have had the pleasure of seeing you, and hope that if you have some spare time, Mrs. Taylor and yourself will drop in at the Ancien Palais de Sagan. 

The alabaster bas-relief that you bought is a very beautiful and rare piece, and I am glad to know that you are the owner of it. 

I donot know whether our manager told you that it is a very exceptional technique where still can be seen the maurish and oriental influence with the gold and the blue enamelled background. It is also extremely characteristic of the work which has been made at POBLET at that time. Poblet was a marvellous cloister where many Kings were buried. 

Herewith, I am sending you invoice of these purchases amounting to:
$5,700 -- (five thousand seven hundred dollars). 
It is understood that these items will be delivered to you in New-York, free of all charges, through Jacques Seligmann & Co. Inc., 3, East 51st Street (our new Galleries) 

will you kindly......