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CT ES                  

October 10,1928

Hugo Rose, Esq.,
c/o MM. Jacques Seligmann & Fils,
Paris, France.

Dear Hose,

Referring to a conversation I had with you in Paris, do you think it would be possible for our insurance agent to put some of our insurance through the License and General Insurance Company of 24 Moorgate?  If this is possible, I would like you to get into communication with Mr. B. William who is the manager and a personal friend of my brother's.

You will probably remember that this company belongs to lord DEWAR and I am of the opinion that if we can place some insurance with this company which of course would be without any extra cost of us, I think it might help me to do some business with his lordship.  If this is not practical, of course, it does not matter, but nevertheless, I thought I would remind you of it. as it was originally a suggestion of your own.

Hoping you are well, and with my kindest regards, believe me to be.

Yours very sincerely,