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Hotel St. Regis Fifth Avenue and Fifty-Fifth Street

[[handwriting like a W over the image of the St. Regis hotel on letterhead]]

R.M. Haan

New York March 15th 1926

Dear Mr. [[possibly Trevor]]
Thank you so much for your letter of March 12th. I am delighted that Mr. Seligmann is pleased to give my father, Rustom Vicaji, an exhibition of his pictures sometime between Oct. 15th & Dec. 25th 1926.
As regards his commission & the sale of his works, [[?]] always gives 25% (twenty five percent) to his gallery, on all his sales during his exhibition. Also when there have been sales in his gallery after his exhibition I have given him [[? maybe same]] percentage. 
The price of his pictures [[?]] vary from two hundred dollars to three hundred & fifty dollars. Only a few bring prices at two hundred. The above is what I have sold them for in previous exhibitions.    

Transcription Notes:
Source for father's name: