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[[left margin]] Village Art Center [[/margin]]
March 11, 1954

Dear Mrs. Demianoff:

I had intended writing a note to Mrs. Elser saying how sorry I was that she had been ill, but what an excellent hostess you had been when your thoughtful lines came.

Your Jury enjoyed every moment and as we all drove uptown together our conversation was an exchange of comments on the excellent work of The Village Art Center, the hospitality to juries and the happy atmosphere which prevailed.

Do convey my best wishes to Mrs. Elser, Mrs. Duclos and the couple who drived with us and your husband, and Betram Goodman.

With many thanks to such a delightful hostess,

Mrs. T.D. Parker. 

Mrs. Renée Demianoff,
Village Art Center,
42 West 11th Street,
New York 11, N.Y.