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Western Command Soccer
Superb Play by Lal Bahadur

Superb play by goalkeepers Gopal Krishna (Punjab) and Lal Bahadur Ghale (J.&K.)and brilliant tackling by Shurbir were the outstanding features of the Western Command Championship final in which an Infantry Division team from Jammu and Kashmir defeated an Infantry Division team from the Punjab by two goals to one, and annexed the coveted trophy.

   Last year, this team from Jammu and Kashmir had shared the Championship honours with another Divisional team.

   In all, the J and K team scored 10 goals during the tournament this year; two goals were registered against them.

   The Lion stadium was packed to capacity and the large gathering included Major-General Gurbakhsh Singh, Major-General Chand N. Das, Mrs. Chand N. Das, D.I.G. Police and Mr. F. B. Manley.

   Before the match, Lieutenant-Colonel S.D. Gupta presented the teams  Major-General Gurbakhsh Singh, who also gave away the trophy and the prizes at the close.

The Play
   Immediately after the kick-off, the Punjab team pressed hard, but the forwards were rather erratic near the goal area. This territorial advantage was enjoyed by them for nearly 15 minutes.

   A well-aimed kick at the goal by Captain Shankar, losers' centre-forward, narrowly missed the mark.

   The stocky-built but diminutive Gorkha forwards of the winning team, led by Rifleman Shurbir, now came into prominence. Backed by their clever pivot, Naik Bhagwan Singh, they time and again raided the loser’s area.

   The J. And K. Team excelled in heading, which was fairly effective. During this period, the Punjab team’s goal-keeper effected a good save. This was followed by another brief spell of play in which the J. And K. Team remained more in the picture. Durga Singh, outside-left, strongly tested the goal-keeper, who immediately afterwards effected another save by tipping the ball over the cross-bar.
   Maintaining pressure, the J. And K. Team took the lead in the 37th minute, Shurbir finding the net with a deft kick (1.0) Two minutes before the interval Gopal Krishna, losers' goal-keeper, brought off a spectacular save.

   During the first 10 minutes of the second half, the winners completely outclassed their opponents in every department of the game and the opposing custodian was tested on more than one occasion. 

   The Punjab team now slowly improved and were enjoying equal share of the exchanges, when the J. And K. Team doubled their lead, Shurbir again finding the net with a dexterous kick (2-0).

   The Punjab team fought back with all the might at their command and a few minutes before the final whiste, Trilok Singh, playing at left-half, scored from an opening, created by Captain Shankar (2-1). The last few minutes of the match were packed with thrills.


J. And K.: Havildar Bahadur Ghale; L./Naik Sahai, L/Naik Hira Vallabh; L/Nk. Rattan Singh, Nk. Bhagwan Singh, L/Nk. Shiv Raj; Jem. Yudhbir Thapa, Rifleman Bel Bahadur, Rifleman Shurbir, Rifleman Dev Sarn and L/Nk. Durga Singh.

Punjab: Naik Gopla Krishna; Cfn. Dorai Singham, Hav. L. Fernandes; Nk. Hoshiar Singh, L/Nk. Lakshmi Chand, Sep. Trilok Singh; Naik Prem Singh, Gaurdsman Dalip Singh, Captain Lakshmi Shankar, Craftsman Arkyaswamy and Craftsman Shivraj.

Referee: Jemadar Hari Singh

Mayor-General Tara Singh Bal who retired from the Indian army recently and who is well-known in sporting circles has been appointed Chairman, Punjab Public Service Commission.

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The Rajkumari...
Sports Coaching scheme


Rajkumari Sports Coaching Scheme conducted a Summer Athletic Camp at Nani Tal recently. The Camp was controlled by Ranvir Singh well-known R.S.C.S. Coach.

Here is Kurian Thomas (*picture*) who has made remarkable progress in shot put.

(Please turn over for detailed report).