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June 18th, 1936

My dear Mrs. Warburg:

My friend, Mr. Edward Warburg, has suggested that I write you in connection with the painting by 


which he tells me you have recently acquired. 

As we are now making plans for our exhibitions for next season, I should like very much to be able to include this picture (which I have known for some time) in our great Picasso Exhibition of the "Blue and "Rose" Periods to be held during the month of January, 1937. This early phase of the artist's work, considered by most to be his most brilliant and attractive work, has never been completely shown in recent years in America, and we hope to bring together a large and representative group of these pictures. We have already been promised several important loans from leading museums and private collectors in this country, and are supplementing these with pictures from European sources. 

We should deem it a great privilege and favor if you would consent to loan us your picture, as we have already been promised the larger version of your subject from Buffalo Museum, which actually is of the "Rose" Period. It would mean so much to unite these two pictures in one exhibition. 

The details of insurance and calling for your picture will be taken up at a later date, and in the meantime I hope you will give this matter your careful consideration, and look forward to the pleasure of a favorable reply. 

Believe me to be, 

Yours very sincerely, 

(Robert M. Levy)

Mrs. James P. Warburg
50 East 77th Street
New York, New York