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January 26, 1951

Dear. Mr. Weil: 

I thank you for the telegram you were good enough to send, and let me say that I can perfectly well understand your wish to await your next trip to New York with Mrs. Weil to reach such decision. 

The note is written however as I have an appointment Monday morning 29th at the Art Institute in your city, leaving again the same afternoon and am wondering whether I could have the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Weil and you during this short stay. This best time for me would be around noon.

Should you find that this would be convenient may I ask you to be so good as to leave a message for me at the Allerton hotel where I shall arrive Sunday evening.   

Yours very sincerely, 

(Germain Seligman)

David Maxell Weil, Esq. 
5454 South Shire Drive
Chicago, Illinois 


[[right margin]] Weil, NY [[/right margin]]