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February 7, 1951

Dear Mr. Weil:
This is just a short line to let you know that the portrait by TRINQUESSE was air-expressed to you yesterday, all expenses prepaid, and I do hope you will receive it practically at the same time as this letter.
You will also receive shortly my firm's invoice covering this purchase. 
May I call your attention to the fact that this drawing is for safety reasons fastened only at the top to the cardboard backing. Were it fastened all around the co-efficient of dilation of the cardboard being different from the one of the paper as great danger of tear could threaten it. 
However, this manner of holding it may present one drawback which is that it may wrinkle and "play" within the mat. Thus do not be surprised and worried if this happens, as it will straighten itself out again.
May I also take advantage of these lines to remind you of your kind promise of returning to me the photographs of the other drawings which serve I assume no longer any purpose for you.
I remember your telling me that you would be in New York with Mrs. Weil in the course of February and am much looking forward to seeing you here then.
Meanwhile, I do hope that Mrs. Weil and you will enjoy this lovely drawing.
Yours very sincerely,
(Germain Seligman)

David Maxwell Weil
5454 South Shore Drive

[[right margin]] D. Maxwell Weil [[/right margin]]