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Dear Mrs Packet
Under separate cover I am sending the book I asked Mr. Selingmann to take you but as he was flying and the question of space. So now you can see what I have been up to. Also inclosed is a cliping from the Erie Newspaper I did not do this for personal publicity this is just the way that sort of thing is done by Erie papers. The reporters who get asked to the press luncheons can not get out of the city but can use reviews by others - and as I was in Cleveland I went and had creamed chicken with Mr Millken a very amusing gentleman.
The "Christmas Exhibition" was great fun [[missing text, hole in page]] ld 4 thing. Good for Erie [[missing text, hole in page] se not so much for you on 57 [[missing text, hole in page]] here every one buys their pictures.
But bad news from Birmingham the picture "working clothes" was returned. Oh well! Thats life. Just this past week I was pleasently suprized for I was given honorable mentioned in the Erie Art Club's "black and white" show "betting to be a big fish a little pond (over)

Transcription Notes:
NB there is a hold in the page covering 5 lines from 'The Christmas exhibition' to 'their pictures'