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3 Crawford St Apt 11
Cambridge, Mass
November 18, 1966

Dear Mrs. Parker,

Thank you again for this information about Mr. Sandoz whom I have written.

When I was in the Gallery last week I forgot to inquire about a problem concerning the picture's provenance. Our records show that Mr. Winthrop bought the picture in October 1936. In Bénédite and in the catalogue of the 1933 exhibition at the Musée de Luxembourg, a Mr. Journet is listed as owning it. It was evidently not in the 1857 Chassériau sale. Unless the Gallery has a policy of keeping such matters confidential, I would enormously appreciate any information you might have as to the following: 1, Mr. Journet's full name; 2, whether the picture was in a public sale and, if so, when; 3, when the gallery acquired