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Helicopter operators: Revenues, source realized, by carrier, fiscal years 1959 through 1966

[In thousands of dollars]

[[5 columns]]

[[headers]] Fiscal year | Commercial revenue | Mail revenue | Subsidy | Total revenues [[/headers]]

[[sub-header]] Chicago [[/sub-header]]

1959    |  $838 | $37 | $1,644 | $2,519
1960    | 1,665 |  35 |  1,662 |  3,362
1961    | 1,661 |  36 |  1,887 |  3,584
1962    | 1,042 |  50 |  1,784 |  2,876
1963    |   352 |  11 |  1,178 |  1,541
1964    |   322 |   5 |    800 |  1,127
1965 (1)|   406 |  13 |    800 |  1,219
1966 (2)|   712 |   8 |    775 |  1,495

[[sub-header]] Los Angeles [[/sub-header]]

1959    |  $308 | $128 |  $935 | $1,371
1960    |   403 |  145 | 1,041 |  1,589
1961    |   404 |  162 | 1,074 |  1,640
1962    |   461 |  145 | 1,468 |  2,074
1963    | 1,001 |  134 | 1,803 |  2,938
1964    | 1,498 |  157 | 1,600 |  3,255
1965 (1)| 1,635 |  175 | 1,600 |  3,410
1966 (2)| 2,687 |  180 | 1,565 |  4,432

[[sub-header]] New York [[/sub-header]]

1959    |  $942 |  $49 | $2,281 | $3,272
1960    | 1,110 |   52 |  2,227 |  3,389
1961    | 1,215 |   52 |  2,577 |  3,844
1962    | 1,311 |   32 |  2,528 |  3,871
1963    | 2,109 |   28 |  2,019 |  4,156
1964    | 2,272 |   46 |  1,900 |  4,218
1965 (1)| 2,542 |   53 |  1,900 |  4,495
1966 (2)| 5,955 |   59 |  1,860 |  7,874

[[sub-header]] Helicopter group [[/sub-header]]

1959    | $2,088 | $214 | $4,860 | $7,162
1960    |  3,178 |  232 |  4,930 |  8,340
1961    |  3,280 |  250 |  5,538 |  9,068
1962    |  2,814 |  227 |  5,780 |  8,821
1963    |  3,462 |  173 |  5,000 |  8,635
1964    |  4,092 |  208 |  4,300 |  8,600
1965 (1)|  4,583 |  241 |  4,300 |  9,124
1966 (2)|  9,354 |  247 |  4,200 | 13,801

(1) As reported for the 12 months ended Nov. 30, 1964
(2) As estimated by carriers in current proceedings.

Senator MONRONEY. Thank you very much, Senator, for your very helpful statistical assistance.

The mail pay from this chart is shown to be a very small percentage of the actual earnings that they received, consequently a big jump in the airmail use would undoubtedly increase the mail pay.

Mr. BOYD. Yes, sir, that is true. But this is a compensatory rate, we call a service rate.

Senator MONRONEY. This is a service rate?

Mr. BOYD. Yes, sir. Paid by the Post Office Department. I would imagine it would require a greater quantum jump than is possible to make any substantial impact.

Senator MONRONEY. The Post Office Department has before another committee, of which I happen to be a member, an application or pro-