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Mr. BOYD. Yes, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. It wouldn't run to the area around the Ambassador Hotel? I know you can get in there by helicopter, but I think it is a helicopter taxi, because I have flown one.

Mr. BOYD. I am not sure where the Ambassador Hotel is located. If it is in downtown Los Angeles, it does not.

Senator MONRONEY. It wouldn't be quite downtown.

Mr. BOYD. I can give you a list of points served.

Senator MONRONEY. That would be wise to put in the record.

Senator CANNON. Could we get not only a list of points served, but the frequency of service, and also the passenger load factor to these respective areas? I think this would be extremely important.

Senator MONRONEY. I am so surprised that downtown is so near to the airport timewise. I can't do it from Oklahoma City. I am sure you can't do it from Las Vegas.

Mr. BOYD. My impression, Mr. Chairman, is that Los Angeles' failure to serve downtown is not due to lack of requirement but rather to lack of heliports.

I will provide the points served for the record and the frequencies for the record, and the load factors, segment load factors, if available. (The following information was received from the Civil Aeronautics Board:)


Los Angeles Airways-Frequencies, Load Factor, and Passenger Originations

This exhibit shows the number of roundtrips scheduled by Los Angeles Airways as of March 1 1965.

Carrier periodic reports to the Board show the system revenue passenger load factor, but do not include point-to point or segment load factors. Those reports do, however, indicate the number of passenger originations at each point, and those are shown in the following table for Los Angeles Airways for calendar 1964. The carrier's reported system revenue passenger load factor for 1964 was 47.6 percent.
Frequencies and passenger originations: Los Angeles Airways

[[ 3 Column Table]]

|    | Number of round trips^1 | Passenger origination |
| --- |     |     |
| Segment A: |     |    |
| Santa Monica^2 |     |     |
| Van Nuys |    | 1,547 |
| Burbank |    | 2,479 |
| Glendale |    | 2,117 |
| Segment total | 10 | 6,143 |
| Segment B: |     |    |
| Pomona |     | 6,143 |
| Ontario |    | 10 |
| San Bernardino |    | 19,599 |
| Riverside |    | 7,064 |
| Whittier |    | 204 |
| Segment total | 9 | 33,868 |
| Segment C: |     |     |
| Anaheim |     | 56,050 |
| Newport Beach |     | 10,847 |
| Total | 13 | 66,897 |
| Los Angeles Airport |    | 90,463 |
| Total |    | 197,371 |
^1 Includes schedules operating 5 more days per week.
^2 No passenger service; express service only.