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Whereas the Civil Aeronautics Board by an order made on February 16, 1965, docket 15683, proposes the permanent certification of the helicopter service of Los Angeles Airways; and

Whereas the Aviation Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Commerce is holding hearings with reference to federally supported helicopter air service; and

Whereas the people of the county of Riverside, and in particular those in the westerly portion thereof numbering more than 20,000, are vitally concerned that the existing helicopter service provided by Los Angeles Airways for passengers, air express and mail between Riverside and the Los Angeles area, which now provides a daily schedule of 9 flights in each direction, be not only continued but also expanded and extended to other communities in Riverside County; and

Whereas Los Angeles Airways has for the many years provided ever-improved helicopter service to the Riverside area, public demand for which is demonstrated by the continually increasing volume of transportation to and from the area; and

Whereas this facility gives the only existing rapid transit service between downtown Riverside and the Los Angeles International Airport, which serves the urgent needs for industry, business and government: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, State of California, in regular session assembled on March 1, 1965, That this board of supervisors strongly supports the proposal for permanent certification by the Civil Aeronautics Board of the helicopter air service of Los Angeles Airways and its continued operation as vital to the public interest and welfare of Riverside County and its people; be it further

Resolved, That certified copies hereof be forthwith supplied to Senator A. S. Monroney, chairman of the Aviation Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Commerce; to the Civil Aeronautics Board; to Senators Thomas Kuchel and George Murphy; and to Representatives John V. Tunney and Ken W. Dyal.

The foregoing is certified to be a true copy of a resolution duly adopted by said board of supervisors on the date therein set forth.

Clerk of said Board,
By M. A. KELLAR, Deputy.

Mr. DYAL, My constituency, Mr. Chairman, is as large as the city of Seattle and we have no local feeder service to the Los Angeles International Airport. We are dependent on Los Angeles Airways. My sister city of Riverside has a local through fixed-wing service and I believe it to be manifestly unfair to my people for them to be deprived of this important service. There is no direct organized transportation to the International Airport from our area of California and, Mr. Chairman, I am concerned with the large number of our business and defense people who come to our area without automobiles at all. Los Angeles Airways is their only means on ingress and egress.

I remember when Mr. Belinn started this program and it was considered far out. It is no longer that way and the testimony of thousands of people, industries, organizations, defense industries, and governmental personnel indicates the necessity of this operation and to the competence Mr. Belinn has brought to an entirely new field. I posed the permanency of Los Angeles Airways service. We want to grow, we want to develop, we are not afraid of the future, and Los Angeles Airways is a part of our program of expansion.

I appreciate your courtesy, Mr. Chairman, in permitting me to appear before this committee.

Senator MONRONEY. Thank you very much Mr. Dyal, for your very helpful testimony.

Would you be in favor, if necessary, to keep this valued service going at the rate specified by the Civil Aeronautics Board, to hope for