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structure, including joint fare arrangements and all sorts of arrangements--we were fortunate enough to have the association with Mr. Robert Turner, who developed the air shuttle service when he was with Eastern Airlines. He associated himself with our company on all traffic matters last summer. He is here, if you would like to discuss this with him. He has been going over with us, with a fine-tooth comb, at our request, and we have developed several plans which I would like to tell you about.

If you would like to hear from him, he is an expert on this. He is the father of the shuttle.

Senator MONRONEY. This, you might say, is one of the cruxes in a situation of breaking the log jam of getting continued operations. I will tell you before we begin that I am not interested--I repeat, I am not interested in an interline fare that exists only for Los Angeles-New York passengers, or for New York-London passengers. This is the trouble with the trunklines, and they have forgotten the interior of the great United States.

When they start giving service to the middle of the United States at a rate somewhat comparable to those they get for the big market from Los Angeles to New York, this Committee is going to keep agitating for more equality in the air.

We certainly do not have it today. I expect the trunk lines will hear a great deal about this when we take up the inadequacies of service. If they don't have nearly 100 percent of the U.S. Senators complaining about the inadequacy of service to the interior of the United States, I will miss my guess.

Senator MONRONEY. We are honored by having our distinguished junior Senator from New York here. I know the schedule he works under. Representing that many people is quite a chore.

We might give you a little rest at this time since we are on this delicate subject. You might be able to organize it just a little bit.

We will be glad to hear from the distinguished junior Senator from New York.

You may sit right where you are.


Senator KENNEDY. Is that all right?

Senator MONRONEY. You look good up here. I wish you were on this committee.

Senator KENNEDY. I appreciate your courtesy in permitting me to testify; and, too, I appreciate your courtesy in permitting me to interrupt your testimony.

Senator MONRONEY. We don't usually interrupt. It was at the nod of the witness to permit you to do that.

Senator KENNEDY. I appreciate that. My statement is not very long.

Mr. Chairman and members of the Subcommittee on Aviation, I am pleased to be able to appear the subcommittee to present my views on the continuation of subsidies for helicopter operations.

In my judgement, helicopter operations should be subsidized for another 5 years, on a phaseout basis.