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External load charters to date 

New York Airways operated its first 2 external load charters under certificates of waiver granted by the FAA. These charters were performed for the Renault Co. and the Sperry Gyroscope Co. On Apr. 8, 1963, after extensive tests New York Airways was granted the first operating certificate issued by the FAA to an air carrier for the carriage of external loads, class B (i.e., hanging loads), under the new part 133 of the FAA regulations. 

[[7 column table]]
|Date|Charter|Charter hours billed|Approximate time saved by using helicopter|Cargo lifted (pounds)|Billing|Purpose|
|October 1962|Renault Co|5 1/2|Only way|2,000|$2,612.50|Carrying new model automobile around New York Harbor (press promotion).|
|March 1963|Sperry Gyroscope Co|6|2-3 weeks|65,000|2,850.00|Removing antiquated air-conditioning units from and installing new air-conditioning units in a large factory at Lake Success, N.Y.|
|April 1963|Racine Tower Corp. for A.T. & T. Co.|25|1 month (area not accessible by truck).|200,000|11,875.00|Pouring concrete for microwave tower on Pico Peak, Vt.|
|   |Radio Construction Corp. for A.T. & T. Co.|13 1/4|2 weeks|18,000|6,200.00|Erect microwave tower on Pico Peak, Vt.|
|May 1963|For New Jersey Power & Light Co.|3|1-2 weeks|8,500|2,200.00|Install 3 powerline poles on a mountaintop in Blairstwon, N.J.|
|March 1964|Mr. Kenneth Snelson for Aluminum Corp. of America.|3/4|8 hours (assembled unit could not be moved by truck).|700|800.00|Move assembled "stabile" sculpture from Brooklyn to Electric Power and Light Building at New York World's Fair.|
|March 1964|Ross Engineering Corp. for General Motors Corp.|6|2 weeks|132,000|3.655.00|Install 66 exhaust stacks on roof of Buick-Oldsmobile plant in Linden, N.J.|
|September 1964|Gotham Ford for Avis Rent-A-Car.|1|Only way|3,000|1,300.00|Delivery of new automobile to pier in New York (press promotion).|
|Decembr 1964, May 1965. 1|Ford Motor Co|18|9 weeks total|225,000|57,506.92|Install 50 air makeup units on roof of plant, Cleveland, Ohio.|
|Total|-|78 1/2|-|654,400|88,999.42|   |

1 This job is being done in 2 parts, 2/3 of which was done in December 1964. The remaining portion is scheduled for completion in May 1965.