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The S-65, a 67-plane helicopter, is coming along within the next 3 years. With traffic on the ground just galloping, as Mr. Wiley said, and we have great prospects. 

I think what the President said is that the 12-year period of Federal financing of passenger subsidy, and the 17-year period of mail and freight subsidy, should draw to a close, and that the regions should pick up with their own——the Port of New York Authority, the city of New York, the stockholders, the State and the local people who all have a big interest in this——they can begin to pick up as the new prospects develop. 

I pointed out when the Chairman was not here the other day, just as the DC-3 was outdated, the route structure of these helicopters and the local service airways, are obsolete now. The S-61 is obsolescent. 

I think the Chairman is quite right in leading the committee and aviation community to find a new formula to solve this problem. It may be that it is a new concept of local air service with route structures and vehicles that are necessary for the future to solve these metropolitan area transportation problems. 

Senator MONRONEY. I appreciate that.

Let's get back to one question before we leave. 

Would the establishment of adequate helicopter service, we will say from some place near the Washington Monument and not southeast or southwest Washington, or far removed centers, lead to an improvement in the traffic at Dulles Airport, and of course even to Friendship Airport? 

Mr. HALABY. No one in public office can be against Friendship. I certainly would never take that position. 

Senator MONRONEY. We all live by friendship, may I say.

Mr. HALABY. It is true that there is a very safe and very sound airport at Baltimore. It serves a megalopolis as well as Baltimore. I can't ever admit that it serves Washington because the Washington International Airport, named Dulles International Airport by President Eisenhower, was designed to serve the Washington metropolitan area. 

There is no doubt that the average 45-minute driving time during good times of the day, and often as much as an hour driving time to Dulles, deters passengers, particularly midrange passengers out a thousand miles or less from using it. If it is a white elephant it is only a white elephant because it was conceived by Republicans, Senator Morton. It is a vision and a longrange airport, and it is going to come into its own, as the Chairman said. We are going to need Friendship and Dulles and Washington National, and more, as the population continues to grow, disposable income increases, and the roads are choked. Therefore it has to come into its own. It hasn't yet. But helicopter service, Mr. Chairman, will sure help. 

The problem of getting the city and the service operator to conduct it is most serious. But we must continue working on it.

Senator Morton. Did you vote for Dulles?

Senator MONRONEY. I certainly did. And I refuse to let it be called an elephant. I think it is partly donkey. I think it will prove to be one of the great airports of the world.

Senator Morton. It is a liability and you voted for it. When it becomes a credit, it will be enough. 
