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The influence of recently-operated new equipment on scale of operation and unit costs has been demonstrated. In terms of the outlook for the future, the developments are favorable--traffic has been responsive to increases in capacity and service and unit costs have declined with an increased scale of operation and the operation of new turbine equipment. 

Qualitative Aspects of Present Market as Related to the Future 

Although the response of the market to increased service was an encouraging trend for the future, it was recognized that the period of operation with new equipment has been relatively short. For that reason, it was decided that some definition of the qualitative, as well as the quantitative, aspects of the present market was required. Accordingly, an opinion survey was conducted by means of questionnaires with the objective being to determine the characteristics of helicopter passengers and to find out what they thought about helicopter service. 

Questionnaires were distributed to passengers on all flights on the four helicopter airlines-CHA, LAA, NYA and SFOH. The survey period selected was October which is considered to be a normal traffic month for the industry. Because of its present low volume, CHA conducted its survey on 23 days throughout October. NYA's period was September 30-October 6, which was prior to its accident. SFOH and LAA distributed from October 6 to October 12. Questionnaires were handed to passengers upon checking in or boarding flights; provision was made for mailing the questionnaire upon completion. The percentage of return was 32 per cent. 

Machine tabulation were made of the returns and results were checked for reader comprehension of certain questions. The results of the survey and general comment as to the marketing significance follow:

1. Are you taking this helicopter trip to make a connection to, from or between regular airline flights?

YES 95.1%
NO   4.9

This indicates that helicopter service is tied to intercity air travel and is not used for local transportation. 

2. What is the reason for your airline trip?

Business or professional  73.9%
Military orders            2.5
Vacation or pleasure      14.1
Business and pleasure      6.6
Other                      2.9

76.4 per cent of the respondents indicated that they were traveling for business or military reasons and another 6.6 per cent traveled for combined business and pleasure reasons. The business/pleasure ratio is higher than that for domestic airline travel which is considered to be about 70 per cent business oriented. This indicates that the use of helicopter service in our air transportation system is associated with the nation's economic, rather than its social, activities. 
