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airmail, and air express to and from Los Angeles International Airport and various points in the Greater Los Angeles area.

As former CAA Administrator under President Truman, I urge your sub-committee to recommmed enactment of legislation for continued Federal government support of Los Angeles Airways and similar helicopter systems which render an important and necessary transportation service in many sections of the Nation until they are ready to continue service without subsidy. I believe Los Angeles Airways will be able to do so in a few years.

The short-haul transportation problem becomes more urgent every year and efficient helicopter service appears to be a necessary part of the long-range solution. Los Angeles Airways has also been of great value in testing and developing helicopter equipment for general and for military use and should continue to do so.

C. F. Horne.

City of Downey,
Downey, Calif., February 26, 1965.

Senator A. S. Mike Monroney,
Chairman, Aviation Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Commerce, New Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.

Dear Senator Monroney: This letter and enclosures are sent for your information and assistance with reference to the hearings to be held March 8, 9, and 10 by the Aviation Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Commerce on the subject of whether the Government should continue, expand, or limit the federally supported helicopter air service program. Gov. Edmund G. Brown, on October 15, urged support of the program developed by the Civil Aeronautics Board for phasing out Government assistance of helicopter operations rather than abrupt termination. Congressman Del Clawson, 23d Congressional District, also urged adoption of this program in telegram sent to President Johnson on December 16, 1964.

The city of Downey, Calif., also endorsed this program through Resolution 1499 and emphatically supports the proposal of the Civil Aeronautics Board in its show-cause order of February 16, 1965, docket 15683, wherein the CAB proposes the permanency of Los Angeles Airways' helicopter service, and Federal support payments as required.

With a population of 93,000, the city of Downey is entitled to the services of a permanently certified air carrier. We have been certified by the CAB for scheduled helicopter service. This is not a luxury commuter service or a between-airport shuttle service, but it is a vitally necessary part of the national air transportation system - carrying hundreds of thousands of people for connections with the world's airlines via Los Angeles International Airport to other points in California, to all airline points in the United States, and to many worldwide points. Of equal importance, industry and other air travelers in our area have direct access by air directly to and from every other airline point in the United States, and the world. Downey is the hub of the southeast Los Angeles area supporting 200 industries and 40,000 employees, including North American Aviation Apollo space program.

With the ever-increasing need for such service for our particular city and area, not only for passengers, but also for air mail and airexpress, Los Angeles Airways' helicopter service must be continued as a necessary part of the Nation's air transport system, and we strongly urge the expansion of such service for the city of Downey and for all of southern California.
Very sincerely yours,
Oren L. King, City Manager.

Resolution 1499

A resolution of the City Council of the City of Downey requesting continued Federal subsistence for helicopter service in the Los Angeles metropolitan area to provide helicopter services from Downey to the International Airport and other destinations

Whereas the city of Downey has been certified for scheduled helicopter service in the Los Angeles metropolitan sarea and based upon this certification and the existing contrast between Los Angeles Airways and the city of Downey,