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There will also be eight smaller auditoria with capacities varying from 100 to 600 persons. Meeting rooms for small groups will be provided, as well as a scientific reference library with electronic retrieval facilities. There will also be spacious lounges and dining rooms where participants at the World Science Center meetings and conferences may gather informally to share their knowledge and experience.

The World Science Center will be equipped with the most modern communication tools, including a radio and television broadcasting studio and closed circuit television.

A disadvantage of the Academy's present building at 2 East 63rd Street is the lack of space for assembly. This compels the use of outside facilities wherever and whenever they are available, regardless of their suitability for scientific gatherings. In addition, competition for such space disrupts the desired scheduling of Academy conferences.

" ... Furthermore, I wish to convey to you my heartfelt congratulations for your plan to build a WORLD SCIENCE CENTER in New York. the already exceptionally important contribution of The New York Academy of Sciences in the field of scientific investigation in all its disciplines will now reach a high degree of latitude and perfection. I am proud of your enterprise and I am sure this feeling will be shared by those who serve the ideals of intellectual and spiritual culture and progress.

"I have no doubt your work will be crowned by complete success."