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4 Annals New York Academy of Sciences

expelling such members as shall neglect or refuse to comply with the bylaws or regulations, and for the managing or directing the affairs and concerns of the said Society: Provided such bylaws and regulations be not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of this State or of the United States.
3. And be it further enacted, That the officers of the said Society shall consist of a President and two Vice-Presidents, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and five Curators, and such other officers as the Society may judge necessary; who shall be annually chosen, and who shall continue in office for one year, or until others be elected in their stead; that if the annual election shall not be held at any of the days for that purpose appointed, it shall be lawful to make such election at any other day; and that five members of the said Society, assembling at the place and time designated for that purpose by any bylaw or regulation of the Society, shall constitute a legal meeting thereof.
4. And be it further enacted, That Samuel L. Mitchill shall be the President; Casper W. Eddy the First Vice-President; Frederick C. Schaeffer the Second Vice-President; Nathaniel Paulding, Corresponding Secretary; William Cooper, Recording Secretary; Benjamin P. Kissam, Treasurer, and John Torrey, William Cumberland, D'Jurco V. Knevels, James Clements, and James Pierce, Curators; severally to be the first officers of the said Corporation, who shall hold their respective offices until the twenty-third day of February next, and until others shall be chosen in their places.
5. And be it further enacted, That the present Constitution of the said Association shall, after passing of this Act, continue to be the Constitution thereof; and that no alteration shall be made therein, unless by a vote to that effect of three-fourths of the resident members, and upon the request in writing of one-third of such resident members, and submitted at least one month before any vote shall be taken thereupon.

State of New York, Secretary's Office.

I certify the preceding to be a true copy of an original Act of the Legislature of this State, on file in this Office.

Arch'd Campbell,
Albany, April 29, 1818
Dep. Sec'y.