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2. Contribution to National, International,+ Local programs (eg. Mil. Point IV etc)

3. Sales Publicity
Directed at "outlets" + potential customers
name-of-co-in-paper, run-of-the-mill work such as celebrities, Tie in work, hot charters, new services, records, interline work etc.
Daily handling and servicing of Publicity outlets presents [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] administrative requirements that must be covered in a manner that [[underlined]] Fast [[/underlined]] action can be taken to avoid loss of story.  
On the positive publicity side the following employees must maintain close liaison with the publicity service organization.
[[Community?]] + [[?]] Rel. advisors.
Technical + operational people.
Sales + Services people.
All have + will continue to rely on the servicing organization whichever it is to screen releases, "tie-ins" etc.  For a more effective program the following is required: improved servicing, story planning and planting  more effective day to day guidance and long range program planning at the lower levels.
ii [[underlined]] Negative [[/underlined]] Publicity
1. Accident handling
2. Justification of high subsidy
3 Unfavorable aspects of service
*outlets is used here in means the retailers of NYA services such as travel agencies Res + Tulnet  offices of other carriers etc