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15 March 1957            



1. In order to benefit from the technical developments resulting from NYS's scheduled operation of large s-55 (H-19; HRS; HO4S) type helicopters, the department of Army assigned career officers to New York Airways for "training and coordination of interest" from 1953 through 1955.

2. With the acquisition of the larger s-58 (H-34; HSS)transport helicopter and the fact that New York Airways has more flight time on two units than any other operator, including the military, representatives of the Department of the Army are again interested in continuing the career officer training program. 

3. As a result of accumulating high flight time on the S-55 and S-58 over a short period, certain design deficiencies have been uncovered and corrected to the benefit of all users. Insofar as the military is concerned, we are informed that much of the consequent information became available early enough to minimize the usual costly experiences involved in unscheduled groundings, modification or accidents and before the investment of substantial sums in spare parts and distribution to widely scattered depots. 

Specifically the operational experience of NYA has enabled other helicopter users to achieve the following benefits and resultant economies:

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