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September 28, 1960

Mr. Juan T. Trippe, President
Pan American World Airways, Inc.
135 East 42nd Street
New York 17, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Trippe:

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the announcement in this morning's press concerning Pan American's lease of the new Pan American Building. As always, I never cease to get a thrill out of the tremendous accomplishments that are continually made by the company where, as your must appreciate, I spent many of the happiest years of my life.

In addition, for some time, we in New York Airways have considered that a landing area for helicopters on the roof of a building in the Grand Central area could be of inestimable value to the community. If an arrangement could be worked out for the roof of the new Pan American Building, it seems to me that if would be a natural association. For example, your offices would be placed within seven or eight minutes of each of the three New York airports, and within thirty minutes of such cities as New Haven and Philadelphia.

While our business is still very small (we carried 150,000 passengers last year plus mail and cargo), with the advent of turbine-powered Boeing V-107's, in mid-1961, (25 passenger machines traveling at 155 miles