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Stoughton Dec 26th 1947

Dear Doris

Well we had a very pleasant Xmas it was white, trees looked lovely. instead of being a light snow as the weather man predicted it was 10 or 12 inches & too heavy for anyone to sweep so we got the Silver boy over here early to make us a path he did a very fine path & we gave him .75 he made his own price & it was worth it as everyone who saw it praised it. Myrtle Gilcher & her husband came over with her coffee cake she always gives me she never forgets me then Mrs Barry treated them to some nice wine & I gave them candy that Irma had brought me & she brought the bottle of wine at the same time. It has just begun to snow again they predict another big snow storm just like the last we haven't been able to open our back door since the last snow storm so now I have to sift the ashes down cellar. I hope this snow comes light, so I shall be able to sweep a front door path for people to enter as I cant afford to pay for another path in two days to the boy. I guess this is going to be a hard winter it has started in that way all right. The mailman has just left a letter from Lena she sent a nice card & a beautiful handkerchief. she is very busy the candy was lovely also the figs.