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Pufello & his family are all home at last they seem very cordial we both had Xmas cards from them. tomorrow Mrs Barry goes to church to stay to watch the old year out & the new year in if the snow isn't too deep to prevent Mr Reynolds coming after her by the way he sent a card to her & wanted to be rembered to young Doris & me also.

I guess this will be a big snowstorm before it gets through for its coming down thick & fast its very cold up in the front chamber where I sit writing the letter. did you get your xmas boxes all sent off & also the cards? I got over 20 cards this year & still they are coming they are very high in price this year even the smallest Mrs Barry says. we both got one from Helen Farrell this year she always sends us one.

I hope this storm lets up soon. Mr Longdon went up to Clines Turkey farm early this morning for their xmas turkey. they always have their children there during xmas holiday. did you know that Mrs Osbourne was down with a cancer Bertha Longdon told us. her son married Berthas sister. well this is all for now I go down to get warm now its too cold to write up here

so good night hope you have a nice xmas

love Ma