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I was busy yesterday mending that old coat that got eaten by the moths. you would be surprised to see how well it looks. it answers every purpose, for what little I would go to wear it during the cold weather. another would be out of place. The snow is fast melting this warm sun is doing a good job. I had to sweep away the snow before I sifted the ashes. the front walk is already bare. Pupello was making pathes before I got up this morning. his wife is still in the hospital the baby will be a week old Sunday. they have a woman there taking care of their other children I presume one of their family. I am looking forward to seeing him the last of the week when he comes with groceries then he will tell us about his wife how she is getting along there in the Hospital. he is very witty. I think you will look forward to seeing Doris xmas time she will be company while Sidney is gone on this trip. Our Turkey is still lasting up in stew we never want to see any more chick or Turkey all winder the next one we will buy will be a small one I dont care much of meat of any kind. The woman down to the little store says that early in the Spring they will love their little store building up s it will join their house so it will be easier for him to be there. well hope you are not freezing gas shortage not affecting you either.  love Ma