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Stoughton November 28rd 1947

Dear Doris.

It is clearing after a stormy night. not very cold temperature below 40° this morning. the heat goes on early in the morning to warm up the house for the morning. then the kitchen stoves keeps us warm till around 5 O'clock, when I make up the fire in the little stove, to do the rest of the day into the evening. for the time when I go up stairs to bed with my stone to warm me up for the night. 

Mrs Barry went over to the barn with some things, so she carried over some cloth to cover up the bed stead. Hazel Drake was home so she asked her if she thought that was put into the dryest part of the barn where no water would reach it, she said she thought it was. they both thought the bed stead beautiful Mrs B said of all the pineapple sets she had ever seen, this one beat them all. you could get a great many hundreds of dollars if decided to sell it & I hope nothing ever happens to it over there in the old barn.

We got some roast veal for our dinner today with turnip & rice pudding Mr. Pupello is very witty he turns every thing we say into a joke. we like him her family are far ahead of the Ballantines in disposition.-