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Shall begin tomorrow on those pajamas. Are you in a hurry for the slips I finished two weeks ago for Doris I can send them along anytime or wait 'till I make her pants. either way will suit me. Stroughton March 4th 1940 Ma

they have been done a long time ago. 20° above this morning

Dear Doris,

This is a very pleasant Sunday & above freezing She has been to church & said the building was crowded they had a Bishop to preach the sermon & everything went off well, the minister said the singing was beautiful 
Mabel was there but couldn't sing, as the minister told Mr Beynolds not to let her, as it was a very difficult anthem & she didn't come to practice & so he didn't want it spoilt by those who wernt there for practice.

I have taken advantage of this nice day to do my weekly wash & hung them out on the front line. they are most all dry now. there was no snow there, so I felt safe.  although there is plenty of the darn stuff left in places.

We were fortunate in getting a fowl yesterday to stuff & roast it & I guess it must have been good & tender, for they sent it whole, otherwise they would have cut it up. it seems very plump. she made a nice pudding yesterday for dessert without any eggs. that was very good. 

I went out today & got in a little wood as there was no snow or ice in around the porch. it takes a lot of wood & kindling for our two stoves.