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the shingles help out a lot in making up our fires. 

Hazel Drake came over yesterday to pay her rent but I noticed she came around the road so guess there must be plenty of snow through the back way. it will seem so good to have it gone. I was so pleased to have only about an inch of the last one it went very quick. 

I was out under our front windows yesterday when the paper boy came & find our snow drops are at at least budded & the crocus are started. Share seen a robin in the front yard several times, so guess spring has started to come even here. Hazel said yesterday it seemed spring like to her. they were going over to Brockton she & Pearl as they always do of a Saturday

I had a letter again from my "old school friend Luella D Southworth" Frank Southworths widow. she saw an account of my celebration in the Brockton Enterprise &