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she died about sending it to you & long before you wrote to Doris about seeing about it. Mrs. Barry told Norma who lives right across the road from them that you had a receipt for it & to bring it over here to put in the barn before they sell off the rest of their stuff. so they will bring it Monday I think they want to get rid of it first so not to mix it up with all the rest of her furniture & paintings. She was on the town Bertha Longden was to church today and she said that Mrs. Osbourne was very low with cancer the one who worked for me her son married Bertha's sister. They have given her just three more days to live. That Mrs Peck who used to be with Anna Lamb is also gone with canser I believe they have given Lee six months to live. When Pupello came here Friday with the groceries he told us that his sixth child was due here in three weeks & Mrs Barry told him well thats enough for any man to have you should now be ready to call it off. he said three of the children were down with whooping cough. I think it a mighty hard case where the little one who is coming to their midst to be exposed to such a disease, its too bad. I think its enough to worry about dont you? they don't seem to sense it easy going people. he is a very good looking man, we like them both their children do not bother a bit thus far. I am ready to quit told you enough for once. Love Ma

Mrs Barry has just gone over to see Wanda and Coco Brock