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Stoughton Sep 29th 1947

Dear Doris

We are still freezing but the wind is in a different quarter, so warmer that it was. we have just called up Brockton to have the man come up today to fix the oil heater, so we can turn on the heat. he said he would come right up to day. There was danger of the waters freezing but guess the sun helps a little. I think so as I am sitting up stairs in the sun writing my letter. we had both stoves going yesterday & the house well shut up. I took a stone to bed & she took her hot water bottle & stone & opened the register into her room over the kitchen stove.

I dont notice my cold its about like the one Doris had. was alone all day Saturday after you left up to four O'clock I miss you terribly & hope your cold is better. glad the cat was finally reconsiled to his fate. I look under the stove to see him from habit now.
It has been pleasant & sunny with a good moon all night, so feel thankful for that.
Blanche Hammond came here to call on us yesterday, she is in great trouble again, she is going to change her residence, going back to her old room on Pleasant Street. it seems her daughters husband where she was living after coming back from her vacation, is going to be married to a young girl 20 years old