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he is 40 and bald headed. he is gone on her, she is crazy after him, after his money I suppose and is there most of the time. two little sons one 5 the other 7 Virginia his first wife was called a very nice woman far different from Blanche her mother who is very hard to get along with she looks terribly old & was all stirred up about it. we had the heart to pity her.

I hope now you have reached home you have a little rest. you certainly need it, as you worked like a dog all the time you were here. my plants are company since they were brought in. they were taken in right in the nick of time. they would have frosted the next night if they had remained out a day longer. such a sudden change. I dont wonder people take cold I dont mind mine only just a little. the sun up here keeps me warm as I write my letter. There is nothing more to write about so guess I will close my letter and go down stairs where I can make up my kitchen fire again to warm up the house

love Ma