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& told her we would like to see her, but think she must be very busy these days.

The Silvers across the way are Poles they come over to visit the people across the way every day. Mrs Silver is very neat but she likes Pupellos children they have been to church I guess to day as they have on little dresses but most of the time they go around with few clothes he seems to be doing well in his store its the neatest store in town & they say thing are very reasonable cheaper than most any in town. I hear he had a store in Florida so he seems to be in with the head men, where he knows he can buy things cheap. it surprises store keepers in town.

We have just had our Sunday dinner of fowl summer squash potatoe, cucumber, tomatoe, & lettuce salad. ripe peaches & fruit cake for desert, I wasn't a bit hungry & crowded down every mouthful I eat it seems funny when its such a burden for me to eat, my appetite seems to have deserted me, I could go without eating. food is good but I am not hungry. 
Mrs Barry met Mary Loomey down town yesterday she stood & talked with her a long time. she looked good but her hair has turned very white. she enquired about you & wanted to be remembered to you. then Mrs Barry went to call on Irma & gave her my letters to mail in Boston. from there she called up the hospital & saw Mande, she & the Birdes sisters will call on me this week some day, well I am throug this time & will close my letter. love Ma