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[[stamp]] Stoughton July 18th 1947

Dear Doris.
I received your letter early this morning. thanks for the envelope. Mrs Barry wanted me to say that she was very grateful for the check & she would write to you personally she was going down to the bank later on with Pete + ride home with Winnie.

The thermometer is up to 80° early & is very hot we are having dog days at last, things are damp & mouldy. for the last few days we have not built up the fire in the kitchen stove but depend on the litter elictric heater. I would rather go without eating. than heat up the house with the extra stone heat. 

It seems nice to know my lawn is all mowed. we were lucky to get Ralph here to do the job. its too hot to mow lawns, so he put it off till after six O clock when the sen went down & it was little cooler. we hear that Mabel Colcord was studying to become a nurse did you know it? she would be the last person who we would think would take to nursing but its a good idea just the same.

We heard from Gladys she sent Mrs Barry some lovely earrings. they were her own make. she gets a dollar & a half a piece for making them & has earned over twenty dollars making them to sell. she made these for her for nothing & gave them to her for a birth day present.