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I wish you could see my fairy billy, it never did an better than it has this summer, I have tended right to it, given it plenty of water & lots of sun. [[Bounted]] 21 big blossoms & eight buds on it this morning. it will gone by soon. I have lots of blue bells all around the house they are very pretty & spread they are full of seeds all up & down their stock. brought over when old the George Wough brought over soin blushes out of his garden. he was the one who straightened out our lawn. after the house was built. Granma Waugh [[?]] loved Hazel & I used to go over there most everyday. She was very fond of Hazel. I used to take her down to her twin brothers at Gantonloner. Emele   & [[?]] nos Uphams. those were the goold old times. then she would bring out her old rag bag to entertain Hazel while we were talking. then the kid would dress up the dog [[?]] gip. tie rags on his collar & the last thing she tied on was a three yard strip of carpet & it trailed out behind him. [[?]] happened to go by in his buggy with his dog on behond the tram. the minute our dog saw him, he bolted, they always hated each other dogs such a sight. his dog didnt know what to make of such a looking object. Hegan began to to cry but after she saw the ridiculousness of it, she like us, began to laugh. Well I will tell you had a piece of nice watermelon for our desert this noon. I dont know when we have had any before. my father used to plant them on his farm &we had a field full. I love them they are very juicy. Now I will give this up to her to carry down to mail Ma.