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Stoughton July 4th 1947
Dear Doris
The wind has got into the North West after a storm down the coast. So we are receiving the wind without the rain. I have just come up stairs & shut down the windows & put on my warm commona [[?]] to keep warm. if the sun would shine out it would help to warm up a little, as it only comes out faintly, it does no good. glad it doesn't rain. the night before the fourth was very quiet, and I have heard no fire crackers through the day. we are to have tripe for our dinner. I dont know when they have had any on the market before & we both love it. I am looking forward for the frost. when Miss Balcord & Gregory came to call on us, he spoke of liking tripe. I said so do I. but we cant get it these days & he said I am going to try & if I do will send you up a plate of fried tripe. he likes it. But the wife dont, so he was pleased to know I did.
Well its Miss Barrys birthday to day & Doris tomorrow. I hope she is having a very nice vacation. visiting old friends & riding off. the way she is seeing old haunts. we have just had a card from Irma Wayland she has ben with Gladys the girl she lives with. on a week vacation up in Maine. & tells what a good time she has been having. its cold enough here. I wouldn't care to be in Maine, or Vermont where Myrtie is staying. she always liked Vermont Abbie never got over her taking Wallace away before she died too bad it was