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I guess Alice is lonesome for she called up Tuesday but never mentioned Myrtie, of the two I care for Myrtie the most but wouldn't care to live with either.
Well I am looking forward to the time when you will be here & hope it will be a pleasure to you to come it will soon be here .to see your old home town & your mother.
Mrs Poffino [[?]] over to the other house, was out yesterday mowing her lawn. they cant get boys to do it, so he the husband is too busy & she mowed it. she shouldn't have done it. as she, we think, is in a family way & if so it would be too much for her. little Jimmie is the boy he is a cunning little fellow, full of mischief, they keep on their side of the lawn. she spanks them if they go over on other lawns. so she means to bring them up right. so far they are well behaved & loveable.
We have had our dinner.tripe was very well cooked, it tasted nice, sliced tomatoes & covered with salad dressing. cake chocolate frosting & native ripe strawberries a good fourth of July dinner. I am now going to finish this letter so to send it tomorrow. our mail main is on a vacation. the new man we cant depend on, unless he brings mail. I have got warm since I went out & sawed a little wood in the back yard, enough to kindle our fire in the morning. a little every day is good exercise, warms ones blood & its nice to have something to do.takes up your mind & you retain your faculties, if you use them occasionally. Love Ma