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Stoughton June 25th 1947

Dear Doris

We are havining cool weather for the time of year it was around 50 early this morning. yesterday it was so cold I built up my fire in the little stove in the sitting room before we could get warm & then I was quite comfortable. I took my stone to bed with me & it felt good. warmed up my cotton sheets. just think the second day of summer & such weather. people who are away on their vacations I should think they would be better off at home. Mystic for instance she may see snow up in Vermont. we read about it in some places. well next thing we may be roasting. I put on my long sleeved under shirt over my short sleeved one early this morning & wear my sweater to sift my ashes when I went out this morning. its been raining for two days & nights. 

I must tell you the check came all right. I think Murphy will send up the coal soon. he said it was in great demand. everybody