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Stoughton June 22nd 1947

Dear Doris This is a sunny day but cool for the 
time of the year. around 70(degree) much warmer than 
yesterday. the foliage is green from so much rainy
weather, my roses are looking their best, most of them
are in bloom. the peonies are just beginning to 
blossom, the spirea tragelia bushes are mostly gone
by. I have a large  boquet of the mountain laurel 
in the house which I picked in the middle 
of the week, they keep longer than any other flower.

     The Colcords came to call last night, just
before dark. we had just eaten our supper.
Gregory his wife & sister they stayed untill my 
bedtime. he had grown awful fat since I last 
saw him & lost his upper teeth. so it was very hard 
for me to understand what he said althoug he talked
loud enough. Miss Colcord looked very nice she 
hadnt changed in looks. She spoke of her 
friend Miss Atwood & guess it was a great loss to all she is 
one who thinks much of her family. they gave a car to Mabel on her graduation. It seems good to have plenty of sugar to use.
We are going to have a fish dinner mackerel a change our
fowl lasted all the week & there is some left. she is home
to day. didnt go to church. the neighbor over in the next house
got her sunday paper. her husband stayed home to 
care for the children. he was laying out on his back