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Stoughton June 20th 1947
Dear Doris. I am up stairs early writing my letter hope it reaches you before Sunday.this is a cool morning.showers went around us yesterday late in the afternoon.we heard the distant thunder & thats all we got.just a few little sprinkles.this morning its 60° in our living rooms.cold enough to have the oil heat on but to save oil we don't turn it on. she is going over to a friend of hers to play cards & it may storm its cloudy enough now. 
I was lucky to get my lawn done Monday by her friend Ralph. he mowed it but didn't rake it up. so I did what I could in raking off the most of the dry leaves & some of his grass. he has promised to come again before the fourth of next month to mow it again & then he says he will bring his rake to rake it off the lawn. he does