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Tomorrow there is a boy coming here to put on our screen doors Mrs Barry said she would ask him if he would just mow our front lawn. She is well acquainted with him. he used to be in her church sexton I believe.

Be ready to do the job. my next door neighbor says its impossible to get any one to do theirs. So she was mowing it one day & thought it lucky if any one turned up to cut lawns these days. 

So far I seem to like them. they bought a chamber set that Addie Ballantine left in the house & asked them if they wanted to buy it. what do you supposed she asked $100.0 as it a second handed set. even so she kept a bench that went with it. so he went over there and asked for it. she pretended she forgot it. these people seem more dependable. their little children are brought up to mind. they keep on their own land. also seem very smart and active she washes every day but isn't a bit well. they don't seem to know what ails her. 

Blanche Hammond called up yesterday and said they put Maude on the scales yesterday and what do you suppose she weighed 302 lbs she sleeps all the time and its hard for her to swallow. her doctor tells them to keep her in bed. she gives her money away to those little grandchildren. Bertha Upham says that she has not much left. its a pity she can't be taken. it may be she will pass now, before long. otherwise she will be on the town soon. 

Well its most time she came home from church. we are going to have a fowl for dinner & a rice pudding for desert. meat is very high so we cooked beans to help out  love Ma.