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Stoughton June 10th 1947
Dear Doris
The day is sunny & a little warmer. we are sick of so much stormy cold days. so far its no kind of weather to put out my plants, the changeable weather would do them more harm than good. when its more seasonable feeling temperature I will put them under the bush. it has gone up to 14° & a warm spell of weather is on its way so it said over the radio early this morning. & we would be glad to have some cooler kind of weather.
I suppose by now Doris is home & you are all glad to see her. Martha Bullock was inquiring about her the last time she met Miss Barry. she told her she had been very busy & that she hadn't been out here very much last end of her college course had kept her in Cambridge & pretty busy. & what little time she got she rested. we hope now she has more time to sleep.
Mrs Pappallies came over here yesterday she brought us a large piece of cake, with a chocolate frosting. she had just baked. we thought with her big family to do for it was very generous of her.